Thursday, July 29, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010 Part II

After dinner, dad wants to take me to the lakes on his land. I am up for that and since I am a bit clumsy, mountain mama offers to take me down on her 4 wheeler. Dad one ups her with the idea that I get to take one of the 4 wheelers.

In one split second my mind goes from flabergastered, to mortified, to hey I have never done that and I should. So we find me a helmet, I get a 2 minutes beginners course training and off we go.

I am following moutain mama and she is stopping every now and then to give me more pointers. We follow some mountain roads and get to the lakes. The lakes are beautiful and it is fun to see my dad so excited about his land. We take some pictures. My camera dies but at least I have a picture of my dad and me together at the lake.

So off we go on the 4 wheelers. I did not see the big R for reverse and I thought I could only go forward. That was quite funny and then I am much relieved to realize there is a reverse on this thing. Dad suggests a couple of trails and when we get to a certain point there is really no more trail so we need to do a three point turn to get pointed in the right direction to go back down the hill. Good thing there is reverse hee hee hee.

We get down on the main "drag" where I can relax a bit and let her roar. I pass mountain mama and have a blast.

She then takes me up a different road. She stops and points. I look and there are a couple of Elk in a small glen. We go a little further up the path and I am so sad that my camera died. A whole herd of Elk. Daddies, Mommies, and babies all covering a hilltop. They are magnificent and awe inspiring. Later when I see a deer, it just doesn't have the same feeling to it as the herd of elk. Poor deer (get it poor dear/deer) Oh well, on with the story.

So we go back to mom and dad's. I turn over the parking of the 4 wheeler to dad. It was a great time and a lot of fun.

Mountain Mama, me and Skinny Sister hop in the truck hoping that Skinny Sister will get to see the elk. They are not there anymore and it is frustrating. Skinny Sister said that happened the last time she visitied too.

Sometime during the day, Mountain Mama, me and Skinny Sister drove over to mountain mama's new home that is in the works to be theirs soon. She gave us a tour. The home is magnificent inside and outside. The view from all angles is absolutely breathtaking. There is also a room with shelves that will be absolutely perfect for food storage. I have to admit that I was a bit envious about that room.

When we are all back at mom and dad's for the night, we all sit and chat for a while and then it is ready and off to bed. Liz and I are lucky and get to share a real bed with one child each. The other children have to opt for the floor or couch.

Snooze time. We have all had quite the day.

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