Tuesday, July 6, 2010


This last weekend was a true delight. First off, it was a 3 day weekend. Gotta love that!!! I did some crocheting while watching some of my favorite movies. Made a couple of loaves of bread in the bread maker my sweetheart got for me. We decided to get the bread maker as my bread making skills are definately not classified as a talent that I have. I did make homemade pizza dough and pizza. Delightfully Delicious. We went shopping at Walmart where I was able to get two CD's I have been waiting and saving for. Then I filled my sweetheart's cookie bucket. I made him chocolate chip with peanut M&M cookies. Then if that were not enough I got to work out in my yarden. I mowed the lawn, picked some weeds and watered. Not everything I wanted to get done got done but that is the way my weekend always goes. I spent some extra special time snuggling with my sweetheart during the fire works display on TV. I am glad we got to spend so much time together. It was a real treat!


  1. I love that "Delightfully Delicious"!! Your weekend sounds wonderful. We try to cram too much into ours. I'm glad you got to cuddle with your sweetie.

  2. sounds awesome, yum cookies and i am so wanting to learn how to bake bread. sounds like nice weekend!
