Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

I just need to express my thanks to all of the armed forces service men and women. I am so grateful for their service and warrior spirit that helps preserve the freedoms I enjoy and often take for granted every single day. May they and their families know that I appreciate them and I pray for them. Is it just me or do the pictures from Iraq show the young men younger and younger. They just look like kids to me now. So may Heavenly Father bestow His protective blessings on these young and older warriors.

I am also grateful for the brothers and sisters from ancient and latter days that have sacrificed so much for the cause of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My thoughts return to Adam and Eve, Lehi and Sariah, Moses, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their sweet wives. I think of Ruth and Naomi. My thoughts turn to the apostles of the New Testament, for some reason I have a special love for Paul. Nephi, Alma, Helaman, Mormon, Moroni, Ether, etc. from the Book of Mormon. To Joseph, Hyrum, Emma, and all of the other pioneer men and women. These blessed souls sacrificed, toiled, labored, driven, persecuted and yes, even martyred for the cause of Jesus Christ.

I am proud to be called a Christian and hope someday to give these brave men and women a hug in gratitude for letting me see the love of the Savior of the World. I especially hope to be able to wash His feet with my tears if I am found worthy to do so.

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