Wednesday, May 26, 2010


So we put the copper tape around our containers. I planted my beanlings, lettuce, and cilantro. The next morning, all veggies were unmolested and unharmed. How could I know if the snails really tried during the night. Not a good litmus test in my opinion.

The litmus test:

Take a snail (if you can find one, does any one else see the irony that when I need to find a snail, they are nowhere to be found). So wait for snails to come out while starting the watering. Finally see a snail. Pick up said snail. Apologize to the snail that he is the unfortunate participant in a copper tape experiment. Put the snail on the copper tape. Watch the snail go as far as he can into his shell. Okay, so did he go in because of the copper tape or because I picked him up, one asks oneself.

Next test. Take same snail. Again apologize to snail that he is the brunt of this experiment and apologize if the copper tape hurt in any way. Place snail next to container with beanlings. Hope he can smell the beanlings or something so he will try to climb the container up to the copper tape.

Keep watering while periodically checking on snail.

Finally notice that snail is creeping up the side of the container. YEA!!! Go over and watch snail come to the copper tape. Watch snail stop dead in his tracks. Now snail stretches his neck out of shell as far as he can and tries to see if he can reach across the 1.5 inch tape to the other side of said tape. Nope cannot reach across. Watch snail slink along the tape and periodically checking with his feelers to see if tape is still there.

WOW!!! COPPER TAPE WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am no longer a snail killer! Just a snail repeller. We may actually be able to enjoy most if not all of our delicious fruits and veggies this summer!

1 comment:

  1. You have got to be one of the cutest bloggers I know!!!! Yeah for the copper tape! Now let me know if you find out what to do about ear wigs.
