Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Getting Better

So after the second night of Benedryl the hard lumps in my leg are finally disipating to smaller lumps. The lower part of my calf is not nearly as tender. There is still redness on the skin and near the bite area the redness circle is larger but a lighter red than it has been. It is probably the venom starting to leave the lumps. I could actually take a small walk at lunch today without too much problem. There are no streaks of red going up my leg. I am very careful about that. I will probably take the Benedryl every evening until this is gone.

Good Sleep....

The Benedryl should have a "caution, dead to the world" sign on it. Honestly, medication hits me hard which is why I try to limit the amounts I use or need. I was so sound asleep that I did not even waken for an accident that happened just a couple of blocks from our home. A 19 year old hit a light pole by the high school. Then life flight was hovering over the house before it landed. No word yet on how sever the injuries were to the 19 year old. Hope the person is okay. It took a while for the firefighters to get him out of his car.

Anyway, my sweetheart was watching me because I normally would have jerked awake. But no, I slept through it!!!! This stuff is good that it helps but bad that anything could have happened and I would have been clueless!

Good news is that I am getting terrific sleep at night!

1 comment:

  1. i am glad it is working. And you are feeling better, i hope by now it is almost all better. I've taken that stuff before, when i had hives, well actually i had to get a shot of it at the ER. I have a hard time going to sleep so i love anything that helps me go to sleep but sleeping medication cause it just does opposite for me, makes my heart rate go up.
