Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hide the Kitty?

Funny story....

I went to our utility closet and got out some stain stick, put the stick on the stain, then put the stick back in the closet and shut the closet door.

A while later, my sweetheart asked where Mini Moo was. I said I didn't know, probably down stairs in some sunshine on the floor. Didn't think anything about it.

About an hour later, I went to the utility closet to get some cleaning supplies to clean a bathroom. Out meandered Mini Moo. No meow no nothing. She came meandering out from behind the vacuum cleaner.

I hollered out to my sweetheart that I found Mini Moo. We laughed and laughed at that one.

Silly Mini Moo!!!!!


  1. Your Kitty is quite adventuresome! And she doesn't complaine!!!!

  2. She is so cute. I can see her doing that!!

  3. lol oh my when i had kitties they would have had a fit, we once went on vacation for the weekend and the kitty got locked in the closet, it broke my heart when we got home and found out bad bad kitty parents. But she was ok!
