Monday, March 8, 2010

Incomplete list items

I still have a few things left over from my to do list this weekend. So I will incorporate them in my evening to dos this week.

Sew crayola bags for Iaomai-cut some fabric to start the sewing-got the fabric cut-done
Sew tote bags for service project
Cut out bibs and burp cloths so I can start crocheting edges-almost done with cutting these out
Continue to work on crochet baby blanket-done I am ready for the next stage in this one
work on dress
work on craft table-done
activate new debit card-done
get March birthday card in mail-done
clean in family room-1/2 done. Need to vacum and organize the games. Got the dusting and cleaning out some junk done.
spackle in sewing/rumpus room-done for now. Ran out of spackle. It is already starting to look better in there.

That is enough for the evenings. I probably won't get this done before the weekend.

I don't have any other extra curricular activities this week as book club was cancelled so I do have a better chance than most weeks :-)


  1. When I first read your to do list I thought that that was your list for TODAY! I was thinking, WOW, and she thinks my lists are crazy. Then I re read it and realized you were making a list for a week!! HE HE!!!

  2. Good luck with that. I like the 'activate the debit card'. That is something I think I could handle. The rest is questionable. :o) I hope you have a relaxing, enjoyable week. I don't know how you keep up with your regular weekly routine.
