Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mini Moo Flu

I waited to write this post because I was very scared. Friday, Mini Moo stopped eating and did nothing but sleep in one place all day long. I was really afraid. Saturday was the same. She was also very hot. Sunday I put some water on her lips but she didn't like it. She was wobbly when she walked. I just was scared we were going to lose her. But Mom S said that cats get sick sometimes and it was probably just a kitty cold or flu. She had been sneezing for about a week before but I just thought it was dust or something. Mom S says that if they can't smell the food they won't eat. So finally on Sunday evening, she ate a little bit and then off and on all night we could hear some little munching going on and a lot of drinking of water. On Tuesday the wobbles are almost all gone and she actually walked down stairs. She played for a little bit last night and played hide and seek with her toy again. So all is well and Mini Moo is better. Guess the flu is not just for swine.


  1. Oh, poor mini moo! I am so glad she is feeling better! I still miss our Alley! SO do our kids, and especially Budah!! Poor guy, he is lonely and cold with out her to cuddle with! We are tempted to bring him in at night, but I think the constant change would be worse for him, plus I don't want the dog hair. But it was only 19 degrees outside this morning, I have no idea how cold it got. So I may reconsider!

  2. Oh, my. I am glad she is doing better. I'm sad that you were scared, but I understand why. It is hard to lose a loved pet. Ever so glad she is better and playing again.
