Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Book of Mormon

In the 5th hour today, our Bishop talked about the importance of the Book of Mormon in our life. He reiterated what our Stake President has been saying all year about the Book of Mormon.

We need to

The Bishop then reminded us that Mormon did not edit the Book of Mormon he did what the Lord commanded him to do 3 Nephi 26:12

We need to liken the scriptures to ourselves. He also talked about how Nephi went through the same struggles as Laman and Lemuel and he CHOSE to not complain about it. He went to the Lord and the Lord SOFTENED his heart. I never thought of Nephi that way before. It was very enlightening.

If we make the Book of Mormon a daily part of our lives and live its teachings, we will learn and be guided how to solve our own problems.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing. I've never really thought about that before either - with Nephi going through the same things as Laman and Lemuel, but he did. I guess no matter what the circumstance, we all have a choice.
