Sunday, November 1, 2009

Be where you are supposed to be when you are supposed to be there

I had a bishop who is now in our Stake presidency. He has a saying "Be where you are supposed to be, when you are supposed to be there." I am so grateful for this message. I use it on nights like Thursday when I really did not feel like going to a Women's leadership Training meeting at the stake center. I have to admit, I was tired. Bone-tired. You know the tired I mean where your body aches and the last thing you want to do is ANYTHING at all.

Well I went to the meeting, I was filled inside to overflowing with coucil and advice that touched me deep to the very center of my soul.

Be Where You Are Supposed To Be, When You Are Supposed To Be There. I am thankful for the tender mercies and blessings of the Lord in my life.

1 comment:

  1. I think that is wise counsel. I know I am always fed more when I don't necessisarily want to go to meetings but go because it is where I should be!
