Sunday, November 1, 2009

Visit from Sis and family

I was very blessed to have my skinny sis visit with her family. We got to spend a whole day together and it filled my heart and soul with joy! In Sacrament meeting we sang "Families can be together forever" and it had special meaning being able to look out at the congregation and see my beautiful sister and her wonderful family. To know that I can be with them too was a joy beyond words.

To my beautiful sister: Thank you for your unconditional love and sweet spirit. You inspire me to be a better person.

To my wonderful brother (in-law): Thank you for taking such wonderful care of my sister and loving her and making her feel like a princess. You are a blessing.

To my Nieces and Nephews:

#1: You are such a beautiful daughter of a Heavenly Father that loves you so much. Thank you for talking to your uncle and filling us in on the things going on in your life.
#2: You have gotten so tall. Thank you for helping your family so wonderfully and being such a fine young man.
#3: The cat made from pipe cleaners was truly an art piece. It now has a magnet and is on our fridge. You have a true talent young man.
#4: I am so glad we can share the love of books and literature. I am thankful for your sweet smile. Let me know how your plant survived the journey.
#5: Miss mischievious. You remind me of when I was a little girl. I loved the pink braces and the trick with the magnets. Always keep smiling and making the world so wonderful because you are a part of it.
#6: I am so glad you got to see Little Joe and that you were able to find so many treasures to take back with you. I found an aligator lizard in my yard this week and thought of you.
#7: My little monkey. You are a light in my life. Thank you for being so special and wonderful. I wish I knew how many cookies you were able to put into that small belly of yours.
#8: The little one. The next time I see you, you will be out of diapers. WOW! You are getting so big. It was great to hear all of the words and see you doing so well. I loved the "pizza pizza pizza" as you were coming down the stairs for dinner.

You are all too sweet. I hope you had fun and please know that your uncle and I enjoyed you so very much! Til next we meet, I love you :-)

1 comment:

  1. I am now crying at my computer. Thank you for such a wonderful memory. I will be sure to share your comments with my family. I love you.
