Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Spiritual Sunday

Today was our Christmas program. We did an awesome job of praising the Lord Jesus Christ through song and scripture. It was a lot of hard work and many practices but we did an awesome job and I know that He would be proud of how we celebrated His birthday!

In Sunday School we talked about the Savior and then saw a beautiful film the covered the aspects of His life.

In Relief Society the lesson was on the Martyrdom of Jospeh Smith. It was an uplifting lesson about how much he did for the world in restoring the gospel of Jesus Christ. We talked about the martyrdom but also the tremendous things we have because of his sacrifice. One of the sisters mentioned that we need to not just listen and hear the story but hold it in our hearts and become better people. To sustain and honor our leaders today, both our worldwide, stake and ward leaders. In so doing we are honoring the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. I got to attend RS today because all the kids (13) are all 12 now, so... I enjoyed the lesson and liked that the instructor asked us all to write down what we have learned from Joseph Smith and how it has changed our lives to serve the Lord. It was very good.
