Monday, December 28, 2009

All Grown Up

I am now the mother of an 18 year old. When I think back, I can still remember the day he was born and the doctor laid him in my arms the very first time. A lot of memories have been made since that day. He did not come with a manual but I tried my best. I made many mistakes but I think I did a lot of things right too! I hope he forgives the mistakes and has fond memories of the things I did right. Some of my fondest memories are as follows:

Giving him baths as a baby and toddler
Watching him coo in his crib or on the floor while playing with his toys
The way he ate cheerios when he was little by nibbling each individual O
Cubscouts and Boyscouts activities
Learning how to take care of him
Sitting in church together
His baptism
The first time he passed the Sacrament of the Lord
Doing yarden work together
Enjoying the same books and movies
Vistans ROC
Service in the community
Cleaning the church together
Our chats in the car, as we worked together, etc.
Family Home Evenings

These are some of my favorite memories........I look forward to the new ones to be made as my little dude ventures out to make new memories to be enjoyed.


  1. This is so sweet. Why do I feel like Mo will be turning 18 next week?

  2. That is neat. What a neat tribute to your little guy. I can't believe how the time flies. I hope he enjoys the same memories made.
