Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Time with my Sweetheart

One of my sisters commented on my last post about my sweetheart coming home to a wife in the afternoon. He loved it!! He was thankful to see me and we had lunch together and I flitted around and we talked and it was JOYFUL! He commented on how he wished we could do that more often. Me too! Mini Moo was sooooooooooo tired last night. She usually sleeps during the day....but Mom was home and working on things and so she was very nosy and into everything with me. She "helped" me make some drawstring bags. So yes, my dear sister, I LOVED IT!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am sooo glad. I bet it was nice. I love it when my sweetie comes home early or even when he is sick and he stays home because then we are together all day. I'm glad you had such a fun day full of getting things caught up. I can't say done, because they never are done, but getting caught up always feels good.
