Monday, September 14, 2009

If I have a cold why am I hot

I have a cold and yet I am hot. I feel crummy. It has been a while since my last cold and now I really appreciate being well. I am tired, I mean bone tired. I am very weak and I did not go anywhere this weekend, not even the temple or church. I think I might have a sinus thing going on. Anyway, they call it a cold but then why do we get so hot and clammy?

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you feel so crummy! I can relate, my allergies are so bad that I feel like I have a cold. Rowan and Tiernan also have allergie drainage going on. So they look like they have nasty colds. My throught was so raw yesterdy for my RS lesson I ended up grouping everyone together and had them discuss portions of the lesson and then share with the whole group. That way I didn't lose my voice all together. I hope you feel better soon! Eat some chicken noodle soup for me and get losts of rest!
