Tuesday, April 20, 2010


So our vacation was truly awesome. The drive to Laughlin seemed way shorter than it really was. I guess I was just ready for a road trip. I don't mind the driving until about 4.5 hours into it and then I am truly ready for the signs leading me to the final destination. We left on Sunday morning and surprised Mom and Dad by stopping in on the way to the hotel. They were very surprised and excited and happy to see us! It is always a wonderful thing to have people happy to see you! Here are some pictures of dad and mom S and of course my sweetheart!


  1. Dad S doesn't look very happy that you took his picture. I'm glad you enjoyed your drive. I am also glad you had such a good time!!!

  2. i am glad you got to surprise them, i am so behind on blogs i haven't been on the computer much lately will read est later. I am glad you had good time on your trip!
