Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Okay so Laughlin is a town of little to no precipitation. It is located in the tiny little point of Nevada on the map. It is a tri state town. You can cross into CA, NV, and AZ within about 1/2 hour. That little tiny point on the map is in reality surrounded by mountains. The mountains get a lot of natural storm activity and you can usually just guess what is happening. The "point" is generally surrounded by darkness but outside and above is beautiful sunshine and not a cloud in the sky.

We arrived in Laughlin on Sunday. On Monday, things changed in that quiet little village. They had a STORM. Lightening, Thunder, HUGE raindrops. It was AWESOME!!!! The topper was the double, that is correct, double RAINBOWS. Brilliant colors that my camera could not capture. BEAUTY BEYOND MEASURE!

This picture is a single rainbow because of course as I left the room, I told myself there would not be anything to take a picture of at breakfast! So of course the double rainbow happened at breakfast and this beauty happened later in the day.

1 comment:

  1. That is an awesome picture in itself!!!! Love it. We've been having some awesome storms here, too. One I thought was actually going to be a tornado because of the way the clouds looked. I don't know that I have ever seen clouds like those before.
