Wednesday, April 7, 2010


So a few weeks ago I made pizza dough, we froze it, the next weekend, we unfroze it (it was still a little bit cold). We made homemade pizza. It was good.

The next weekend we decided for fresh made pizza dough to compare the results.


Freshly made pizza dough it is! It won hands down. It is so simple to make with the kitchenaid my sweetheart got me for Christmas last year. :-)

It is easy, takes only 1 and 1/2 hours from mixing to rising to punching down (always fun) to spreading on pizza pan.

It was so good, together we ate a WHOLE PIZZA!!!

We were stuffed but delighted with our new way of having our pizza pie!


  1. So funny, we had homemade pizza last night for dinner. Nothing compares!! My kiddos were so happy when they found out they were getting that for dinner. 'Tillers' said that Thursday was turning out to be a great band-aid day. She had a bad Wednesday and decided that Thursday would be the band-aid day for it. Anyway, I am glad you liked your homemade pizza. I was going to ask you about freezing the dough, but now I guess I have my answer.

  2. maybe you wouldn't mind sharimg your recipe i made homemade once and didn't care for it so much but i didn't make the crust as it was store bought!
