Thursday, September 6, 2012

Have I Done Any Good in the World Today

I have been thinking a lot about the hymn “Have I done Any Good in the World Today”.  For many this hymn makes them feel bad like they have not measured up but I want to put a different perspective on this sweet hymn.  I think most of you complete it very well every day more than you know.  Have I helped anyone in need, cheered up the sad, made someone feel glad.  These are the questions asked in the first verse.  I know that you mothers of young children do these things frequently throughout the day.  Kissing boo boos and just plain old being there.  The rest of you, well, you help me on a daily basis and make me feel glad because I know you are there.  As I sit in my office and do the daily grind, I can find much comfort that you are all just a mouse click away.  I also know that just letting that person running late for work cut in the traffic line without blaring the horn to let them know that the line cut was noticed, well they may not feel glad but they would not feel good if the horn blared so you are sparing some stressful feelings (your own included, and yes I am speaking from recent experience of just this morning.  The person cut right in and I was flustered at first and then considered that maybe he/she needed to get to work quicker than I this morning).  Or the smile you give to someone or the thank you to the cashier at the grocery store.  Just noticing someone could be what makes their day.  Giving someone the benefit of the doubt is a form of charity.  So remember friends, no matter how insignificant you think a gesture is, it may just be that ray of sunshine in someone’s life.  So here is to doing good in the world each day just a little bit at a time.

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