Thursday, September 16, 2010


This morning the muscles in my left leg are sore. Oh you must have worked out and did a good thing right? NO NO NO.

Last night I received not one but two extreme muscle cramp charley horses in my left leg. One right after the other. Today my leg is sore to even walk on. I keep trying to stretch out the calf muscles to give them some relief.

Age can bring wisdom which is wonderful but it can also bring all of these weird episodes like cramping and stuff. Woke me up out of a sound sleep. Weird but interesting.

So my left leg had a great work out. I will have to actually excercise my right leg to even it out. :-) Hee hee hee!


  1. I'm sorry about your leg cramps. Those hurt so badly! My sweetie taught me a trick for those. When you first start to feel it coming on, point your toes to your nose and it will pull the cramp out before it can make your leg feel the way yours does now. I hope it never happens again, but if it does, just try pointing your toes to your nose. I hope it will work for you.

  2. i just strech it out right away as soon as it comes on but i was told you get them cause you are low levels of potassium or calcium in the blood. My grandma told me that but i looked it up online too.
