Sunday, June 28, 2009

The best of weeks the worst of weeks

This has been the best of weeks and the worst of weeks to borrow from Dickens. Work was horrible. The entire payroll system crashed. We were lucky to get paid. But the awesome payroll manager strikes again and all will be well where pay checks are concerned. Missed temple night and worked through lunch but sometimes those are the prices I pay so to speak.

The best of times happened when my "Little Dude" (he is really not so little anymore) called and had his girlfriend on the line with him. So I got to meet her too. She sounds lovely and nice. She sounds very sweet and they were totally smitten with each other. I hope I did not keep them too long, only an hour on the phone. She is getting ready to report to Annapolis on Wednesday. Little Dude will be going to college and I am excited for him. He sounded so happy :-) and that makes me a happy mom :-)

Well, there is a charlies angels marathon that I am going to go and watch with my honey. I am also listening to our little garden frog named "little joe".

Love you all

Big Sis


  1. Which garden frog is that, #1 or #2? I am happy that Little Dude sounds so good! And that he will be getting in some college before he does anything like inlisting in the Marines or what ever! Sorry you had such a rough week with the payroll though!! Loves to you! A

  2. Yes, of course they would call in the big guns to fix any problem that may occur. Kudos to you!! You rock. Imagine Brennalyn making a fist and the two of you touching fists and her saying "You Rock, Nee". She would do it, too. Glad things are going well with Tobi Jr. I hope this experience will be good for him. Love you and think of you often.
