Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Home again

I am now back home after having a bittersweet visit with family. Our sweet dear Gramps is getting ready to leave this existence and enter the next one to be with his sweetheart. I am grateful for the knowledge the Gospel of Jesus Christ gives me that this is not the end but a new beginning for him. I also had the wonderful opportunity to renew my relationships with my wonderful sisters and their children. It was so wonderful!!! I got to see parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins that I have not seen in too many years.

Thank you all for the love you showed me as I visited you all.

My wonderful husband is very glad that I am back home with him. I am glad too. I missed him very much!!!


  1. I am glad you are there for your Hubby to crack, peel and slice his eggs for him! We had so much fun with you and it seems so boring now that you are gone! You bring joy and excitement where ever you go! I hope you always know how much I love you. Oh also I was thinking about the comment you made about me being resentful of you when you got married and left when I was in 6th grade. I think I resented Tobi for taking you so far a way! I could never resent you! Love you lots and I am so glad you started your blog!! Love A

  2. Sorry to post a comment again, but Ell's photo outline kind of looks like one of the hair cuts she used to have!! So funny!!
