This Thanksgiving my sweetheart and I had a wonderful day with just the two of us. We cooked a smaller version of a Thanksgiving meal and each had our favorite desserts. He had a brownie chocolate milkshake and I had some pecan pie with vanilla icecream. Delicious! We turned off the phone and he got to watch football while I worked on a crafty project. Fun, stress free, and delightful! We had the opportunity to think of so many things we are grateful for.
food, fun, yarden, home, heat, clothes, washer, dryer, stove, oven, mittens, health, lights, indoor plumbing, friends, television, cable tv, movies, books, scriptures, Jesus Christ, the gospel, Holy Ghost, love, unity, harmony, humor, flowers, sky, clouds, sisters, family, pets, automobiles, job, church callins, opportunities to serve others, strong stomache, etc.