Sunday, July 10, 2011

4th of July

Our 4th of July weekend was VERY HOT and VERY HUMID. We did some yarden work and watched some fireworks on tv but other than that just tried to stay as cool as possible.

Strawberry Jam

A couple of weekends ago we bought 5 lbs of strawberries at Costco. Came home and made some homemade jam. YUMMY!! I gave some jam and a mini loaf of homemade bread to my sisters today for visiting teaching. I hope they enjoy it as much as I do and as much as I enjoyed making it for them.

Happy Gardening Summer

This summer has been awesome for our produce. The cucumbers are HUGE. We made dill pickles this weekend. The tomatoes are so flavorful and gorgeous and HUGE. I planted some potatoes and the plants are green and beautiful. We will see how that goes. The bean plants are HUGE and we have many beans growing. Hopefully I will be able to pick, blanch and freeze for Family Home Evening. Our local grocery store has corn on sale so we bought some blanched it and froze it. It is fun! I am thankful for a Heavenly Father that loves us enough to help us grow and put up our vegetables.