Thursday, July 22, 2010

Idaho Trip begins, Saturday, July 10, 2010

The alarm is set for 5 a.m. I have slept little and kept one eye on it the whole night. Now I try to awaken before it goes off. I am up a few minutes before it goes off. My sweetheart turns it off while I am dressing. I get ready to go. My sweetheart carries my bags down to the car for me. Mini Moo is in wonder at her parents and why oh why are they up at 5:00 a.m. on a Saturday?!

The car is loaded, kisses, hugs, kisses, hugs. Start to the car. Run back to my Mr. Kisses and Hugs. Okay, must go now!

Breakfast in the Jack in the Box parking lot. Can't remember what I got for myself but I did get a medium drink with caffeine so I will make the trip down to the airport okay.

I get to the Laurel Travel agency to park the car. They are very helpful! A very nice staff. I park my car in spot 375. The shuttle takes me to the airport. I make a friend in line to check in my bags. Wish she is on my flight but hers is the one right before mine. Check in is a piece of cake. I go through security with no problems. I ask the security guard why he is running a red light over my driver's license. He says "security ma'am". Okey Dokey then. Someone needs a funny bone makeover :-)

Get on the plane and I have 2 whole seats to myself. I take the window seat. There is a gentleman on the aisle seat. I need an extension belt after all. Off by about 1 inch. NEXT TIME!!!! Last time I flew it was off by about 6 inches. This time the two ends can touch but not enough to get the buckle together. SHUCKS!

Fly to Vegas without a problem. Listen to my CDs and read my book. It is a great flight. My sweetheart warned me about the sharp turn into the airport so I am not nervous about the jerky movements on the plane.

VEGAS airport. Nice. Think about getting a piece of fried chicken. $8 dollars. So okay, I can nibble on the snacks in my big blue bag, thank you very much!

Call my sweetheart. Make a friend with a woman in the terminal. She was very nice. I meet some people from Hawaii. They are going to Boise for a convention. One of the men is on the main land for the first time EVER!

We get on the plane. All of the window seats are taken. First I try for the emergency exit seat and can't because of the extension belt. How EMBARRASSING!!! NEXT TIME!

I choose an aisle seat. The man from Hawaii has the window seat. I ask if I can share and he says that anyone who has family in Hawaii is welcome. He is very nice. The flight is full so a gentleman sits in the middle. It is a bit squishy. Not too bad. He is very nice and the three of us talk most of the way to Boise. There is a young man behind us and he thinks we are picking on Boise and defends it adamantly. He says "Hey, I live in Idaho". I reply that I grew up in Idaho. We talk for a while. He is nice and friendly and calms down when he finds out we are not really making fun of Idaho. How sweet to stand up for your homeland.

Arrive in Boise airport. Walk down to baggage claim and there is skinny sister waiting for a hug. We wait for and get the bags and thus the adventure begins........................................


  1. You need to change your blog background before Friday, It expires or something dumb. I started using a different free backgound site. If you look on my blog on the upper left corner you will see the address. Or just google free blog backgrounds, but if you stick with the cutest blog on the block it may take you a few days to get on the site.

  2. I love reading your blog posts. You are so funny. I also love how you make friends wherever you go. I think we get that from both of our parents. Glad you got to come and really enjoyed seeing you. I love you!

  3. I still say you should write a book. I think it would be as good or better than any we've already read. Also, thanks for not blogging about me bawling when I saw you. :o)
